Monday 21 February 2011

my big chop

yes11! i did the big chop 1st week of February and i love it.i was 8 weeks post relaxer and my hair was super thick from pregnancy and also since i have been relaxing since i was 10 yrs old i always though i had thin hair but to my surprise my hair is thick.
i have a 4a/4b hair texture so quite thick and full
i am now wearing kinky twists as a protective style and to help me through this short stage.
plus because i'm pregnant and almost due i figured i should put kinky twists in to helps with low maintenance and have more time for my baby
i do moisturise daily and oil my scalp and hair 3x per week.
i shampoo my kinky twist every 10 days and deep condition.
im not so worried now about the dreaded excessive hair shedding most women face after a baby.

i make my own leave in spray for my twists...
200ml aloe vera juice
10ml organic coconut oil
10 ml emu oil
10 ml argan oil
5 ml vegetable glycerin

my hair oil...
20ml organic coconut oil
20ml argan oil
20 ml emu oil
10 ml vegetable glycerin

my healthy eating plan

so i want to start taking care of my inside body so i have started juicing daily.
i add...
organic coconut oil
aloe vera juice
i drink this daily and it helps keep my intestine clean plus giving me my 5 a day.
aloe vera is very good in regulating your metabolism and speeding it also cleans out your system,blood e.t.c
this is just my first steps on a healthy diet lifestyle.
i plan on becoming at least 70% raw vegetarian but i need to take baby steps plus i need to make sure that what i eat doesnt affect my baby as i'm pregnant and plan on breastfeeding.